I am very excited to announce Boudie by Victoria's Brand Ambassador Program! I am looking to build a team of 3-4 diverse women who believe in empowering women through the art of boudoir and want to share their experience with others.

If you are selected for this opportunity, you will receive 3 photoshoots free of charge, branded social media images, discounted professional hair & makeup, discounted print products (including albums), and commissions for booked referrals!


Seeking Applicants:

  • Of all sizes, shapes and ages
  • Someone who has a large active social network
  • Has an outgoing personality who is not afraid to talk about boudoir
  • Has the confidence to share her images and can talk to other women about her boudoir experience
  • Someone who is body-positive and proud to make her boudoir photos public via her own social media accounts

Brand Ambassadors Role:

  • Positive reinforcement to the other women inside and out of the VIP Group
  • Promote boudoir sessions with Boudie by Victoria on your personal social media
  • Engage in Boudie by Victoria social media posts
  • Actively invite other women to join our Facebook VIP group
  • Encouraging other women to book a session
  • Commenting and answering questions in the VIP group
  • Work exclusively with Boudie by Victoria and not represent or use any other photographer for boudoir photography during the term of this contract
  • Sign a model release for photos from sessions to be used in advertising for Boudie by Victoria

You will Receive:

  • 3 Complementary boudoir sessions ($825 value)
  • 5 Branded social media digital files from each session
  • 50% off professional hair & makeup for session
  • 10% discount on product purchases, including albums
  • $50 cash for each booked referral you bring in

Rules to Apply:

  • You must come to Terrell, TX for sessions
  • You must sign a FULL MODEL RELEASE & Brand Ambassador 6-Month Agreement
  • You do not get to pick and choose which photos the studio can use
  • You must pay for professional hair & makeup to be done before your session ($75 after discount)
  • You must be comfortable posing in lingerie
  • You must be over the age of 21
  • You must be reliable, positive & respectful of others